Marcus Ulpius Traianus (german)

Marco Ulpio Nerva Traiano

Der römische Politiker und Feldherr Marcus Ulpius Traianus (* vor 30 n. Chr.; † vor 100 n. Chr.), 113 divinisiert als divus Traianus pater, war der Vater des römischen Kaisers Trajan und der Großonkel von dessen Nachfolger Hadrian.

Ulpius Traianus gehörte zu den Nachfahren einer Gruppe von Kolonisten, die 205 v. Chr. von Scipio Africanus in Italica in der Provinz Baetica im Süden der iberischen Halbinsel angesiedelt worden waren. Seine Familie stammte ursprünglich aus Tuder in Umbrien. Im vom späteren Kaiser Vespasian geführten Jüdischen Krieg kommandierte Traianus 67/68 die Legio X Fretensis. Während des so genannten Vierkaiserjahres, im Bürgerkrieg nach dem Tod Neros, war er ein Parteigänger Vespasians und später der von diesem begründeten flavischen Dynastie; zum Dank wurde er von Vespasian in das Patriziat erhoben. Traianus war im Jahr 70 Suffektkonsul und verwaltete von 73 an fünf Jahre lang die wichtige Provinz Syria. Dort gelang es ihm, einen drohenden Partherangriff zu verhindern. Später war er Statthalter seiner Heimatprovinz Baetica und schließlich Prokonsul der Provinz Asia.

Mit seiner Frau Marcia hatte Traianus zwei Kinder, den späteren Kaiser Trajan und eine Tochter, Ulpia Marciana, die von ihrem Bruder 105 zur Augusta erhoben wurde. Er starb vor 100 und wurde von seinem Sohn 113 zum Gott erhoben.

Marcus Ulpius Traianus – Wikipedia

By saperebysomnians

Trajan (english)

Trajan (Latin: Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus Augustus; 18 September 53 – 9 August 117), was Roman Emperor from 98 to 117 AD. Born into a non-patrician family in the province of Hispania Baetica, Trajan rose to prominence during the reign of emperor Domitian. Serving as a legatus legionis in Hispania Tarraconensis, in 89 Trajan supported the emperor against a revolt on the Rhine led by Antonius Saturninus.

In September 96, Domitian was succeeded by Marcus Cocceius Nerva, an old and childless senator who proved to be unpopular with the army. After a brief and tumultuous year in power, a revolt by members of the Praetorian Guard compelled him to adopt the more popular Trajan as his heir and successor. Nerva died on 27 January 98, and was succeeded by his adopted son without incident.

As a civilian administrator, Trajan is best known for his extensive public building program which reshaped the city of Rome and left multiple enduring landmarks such as Trajan’s Forum, Trajan’s Market and Trajan’s Column. Early in his reign, he annexed the Nabataean kingdom, creating the province of Arabia Petraea. His conquest of Dacia enriched the empire greatly — the new province possessed many valuable gold mines.

His war against the Parthian Empire ended with the attack of the capital Ctesiphon and the annexation of Armenia and Mesopotamia. His campaigns expanded the Roman Empire to its greatest territorial extent. In late 117, while sailing back to Rome, Trajan fell ill and died of a stroke in the city of Selinus. He was deified by the Senate and his ashes were laid to rest under Trajan’s Column. He was succeeded by his adopted son Hadrian.

As an emperor, Trajan’s reputation has endured — he is one of the few rulers whose reputation has survived nineteen centuries. Every new emperor after him was honored by the Senate with the wish felicior Augusto, melior Traiano (“[be] luckier than Augustus and better than Trajan”). Among medieval Christian theologians, Trajan was considered a virtuous pagan, while the 18th century historian Edward Gibbon popularized the notion of the Five Good Emperors, of which Trajan was the second.

Trajan – Wikipedia

By saperebysomnians

Traiano (italiano)

Marco Ulpio Nerva Traiano

Marco Ulpio Nerva Traiano, in latino: Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus Italica, 18 settembre 53 – Selinus in Cilicia, 8 agosto 117, fu imperatore romano dal 98 al 117.Sotto il suo comando supremo lImpero Romano raggiunse la sua massima estensione territoriale 5,5 milioni di chilometri quadrati. Il suo titolo completo era IMPERATOR • CAESAR • DIVI • NERVAE • FILIVS • MARCVS • VLPIVS • NERVA • TRAIANVS • OPTIMVS • AVGVSTVS • FORTISSIMVS • PRINCEPS • GERMANICVS • DACICVS • PARTHICVS • MAXIMVS.

via Traiano – Wikipedia

By saperebysomnians